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Registrarse como usuario

To access the environment, you need a username and password.

If you don´t  have a username and password, follow the next steps:

1. Click on "Create a new account" at the end of this page and complete the registration form with your data.

2. When you send the registraion form, you will receive an e-mail in your e-mail box to verify that your address is correct.

3. You must confirm your registration  from the link that is inside the body of the message.

4. After the confirmation, you can access the environment with your user  name and password that have created previously.

5. To request enrollment in a course/module, look for it and request registration.

6. Acceptance within the course is not automatic. You must wait for the teacher in charge to confirm your income.

IMPORTANT: Your mailbox may detect the confirmation message as SPAM, please review this folder